How does CoopURL link shortening work?
CoopURL is only available for professionals who communicate for cooperatives; this is necessary in order to protect the reputation of the domain and high deliverability rates for cooperatives who use CoopURLs in their campaigns.
Co-op URLs are a great way to brand your links with a co-op domain name while still enjoying the click-through statistics and security.
CoopURL shortens your URLs – when publishing to social media, websites and even email – so you can save space, track the number of clicks, and have simple links for your audience.
Using CoopURL is easy: Simply sign in, copy and paste your URL and you’re good to go. CoopURL offers lots of features such as traffic and data analysis, device targeting, password protection, QR codes and more:
- By default, CoopURL shortens all links, when they publish, to "" links.
- While some social media sites track multiple interactions with a post/tweet as a click, CoopURL only tracks direct clicks to the shortened URL.
- Beware of for its link shortening. .LY is a Libyan domain and could be surreptitiously shut down at any time.
- CoopURL is for U.S.A. electric cooperatives only; your information is closely guarded.
Why is the CoopURL shortener and link management platform better for cooperatives?
CoopURL is a branded short domain for co-ops only.
With CoopURL, you're in good company. Other free domain shorteners accept links to all sorts of domains, even blacklisted domains.